OSASyntaxTypeError = -2741 •Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. 'expected a <type> but found <this>')
OSASyntaxError = -2740 •Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. 'Syntax error' or '<this> can't go after <that>')
errOSACantCreate = -2710
errOSACantGetTerminology = -2709
errOSADataBlockTooLarge = -2708 •Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a value or data structure
errOSAInternalTableOverflow = -2707 •Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows
errOSAStackOverflow = -2706 •Signaled when the runtime stack overflows
errOSACorruptTerminology = -2705 •Signaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable
errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware = -2704 •Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEvents
errOSACantLaunch = -2703 •Signaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program linking is not enabled
errOSANumericOverflow = -2702 •Signaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented
errOSADivideByZero = -2701 •Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zero
errOSAGeneralError = -2700 •Signaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to be returned. Simply means 'an error has occurred'. Most useful in conjunction with an error message from the application